Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villain Spinoff Movies In The Works
Paramount reveals that their upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reboot will be followed by spinoff movies focused on the franchise's villains. As just revealed at Paramount’s Investor Event (via Culture Crave), plans are moving ahead for a series of TMNT spinoffs focused on the franchise’s villains. Instead of releasing on the big screen, the spinoffs will arrive on the Paramount+ streaming service. The Shredder is of course probably the most notorious of all TMNT bad guys, but there are other intriguing figures who could be in line to head a spinoff of their own, including Baxter Stockman, Bebop And Rocksteady, Krang, The Rat King, The Triceratons, Hun, Karai and numerous more.
New ‘Star Trek’ Movie to Reunite Chris Pine’s Crew
Paramount is getting the Enterprise gang back together. Paramount executive Brian Robbins and producer Abrams made the announcement at Paramount’s investor event Tuesday, although details were not revealed. No deals are in place, but Paramount hopes that returning cast members will include Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Simon Pegg, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldaña and John Cho, who have starred in three films, beginning with 2009’s Star Trek. The film is due out Dec. 22, 2023.